Positive Leadership

On the Tuesday evening just before the official lockdown in the UK, I was sat at my friend’s kitchen table trying to comprehend what was happening in the world.

It goes without saying that the surreal world in which we find ourselves will leave its mark on the landscape and the impact it will have on small businesses could be devastating.

Ken owns the Shudokan black belt academy, a martial arts school and as such they were due to be closing to the public on that coming Friday. We were talking about the consequences this would have on his business and it goes without saying that our conversation wasn’t the most upbeat.

What happened next was a beautiful example of what qualityculture calls Positive Leadership. Two of his employees, one who wasn’t even working, called Ken with ideas as to how they could adapt what they do to perform online/virtual classes to help both adults and children maintain health in their home. Much the same as what we are doing here at qualityculture – making the shift to deliver training using Microsoft Teams and launching our Certified NLP Practitioner online.

It’s easy, at times like these, to fall into the negativity vortex and therefore it’s so important to look for any positive actions you can take, no matter how small or big and to help one another during this challenging time.


Wendy Lukacs