South Korea Changes Birthdate System

Last month, South Korea changed its birthdate system. Under the old method a new born baby was aged one at birth because of the gestation period.
The Broadband Has Gone Down!

It’s 10am on a Tuesday morning. Its Day 2 of our NLP Master Practitioner Programme. There are 8 delegates online on MS Teams and….I have no internet!
James Bond Cars on Top Gear

What a fantastic platform BBC iPlayer is. I watched the replay of a Richard Hammond Top Gear special the other day. The programme tracked all the Bond cars from the first films.
Your Script

Have you ever wondered why some things don’t seem possible to you? For example, getting a promotion or setting up your own business.
Early Retirement Pushes Up Inflation

Are you aged between 50 and 64*? And maybe you realised during the pandemic you were bored in your career, so you took early retirement?
NEW Podcast!

Kali and Steve went into the studio in April to record a set of Podcasts which are available to listen to (and watch) via the website, on YouTube and across a host of other podcast platforms including iTunes/Apple Podcasts, and Spotify.
Your Energy and How to Project It

If I was a millionaire, what would I look like walking my dog, Smudge, every morning? What would I be thinking about? What would I be focusing on and how would I respond when someone asks me, ‘How is business?’
Your Identity and Mr Benn

I was watching a Chartered Financial Planner, Pete Matthew, on his channel the other evening and he was discussing the effect of retirement on most people. When someone retires, and they are asked what they do, they will probably reply that they are a ‘retired’ Teacher/Doctor/Nurse.
Do Dogs Love Their Owners?

Anyone who has attended our ILM Leadership programmes may be familiar with the phrases, “Be More Dog” and, “Chemical Addiction”.