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Inside out thinking

How would it feel if you had less stress in your life? How would you like to feel calmer and more relaxed? Today I’m going to share one of Sydney Banks’ 3 Principles of Mind, Consciousness and Thought. The Principle of Thought is the basis for ‘Inside Out Thinking’ and you can apply it straight […]

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2020 NLP and Coaching Convention

Following the success of the 2019 NLP and Coaching Convention, we are pleased to announce our next event will be the 2020 NLP and Coaching Convention on March 27th. This event is about bringing professional coaches, in house coaches and self employed professionals together from the fields of NLP and Coaching. The aim of the […]

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War and Peace

Why Choose NLP UK Training

I meet many interesting and inspired people both inside and outside of work and this article is about a man that has become a dear friend. I was introduced to him through my German Shepherd Dog (GSD), Angel. Angel is two and a half years old (teenage years in dog language) and like any teenager, […]

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Inner Game Conference with Tim Gallwey

Wendy, Kali and I also attended an ‘Inner Game Conference’ at the University of Hertfordshire on April 29th. Tim Gallwey ran the whole day and is famous for his best seller, ‘The Inner Game of Tennis’.  His ideas are at the forefront of what we do in coaching today moving from a ‘directional’ approach to […]

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2019 NLP and Coaching Convention

Well, it’s been a busy couple of months!  So much so that we are only just able to write and thank everyone who attended the 2019 NLP and Coaching Convention on April 5th.  The day was kicked off and hosted by Wendy and Kali who, as well as teaching us Norwegian, also introduced our keynote […]

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Leading with a Smile – Part 2

For those of you who read our last newsletter you will have seen my article, ‘Leading with a Smile – The Norway Option’, all about the positive impact interim manager Ole Gunnar Solskjær is having on his team, Manchester United, and their results. Unfortunately, two days before the newsletter came out, they were beaten in […]

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Leading with a smile – The Norway Option

In the last few weeks there has been a groundswell of support for the Norway Option. It will hopefully keep us in Europe this year and next. No, it is not ‘Common Market 2’, I’m talking about the resurgence of Man United under Ole Gunnar Solskjær, their new caretaker manager. Since taking over from Jose […]

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So…I was having a girlie night in with my friend’s 12-year-old daughter and after painting toe nails and face packs, what else can you do? Personally, I would crack open the wine but I have to remember I’m a responsible adult, so a movie seems to be the next best thing. At this point I […]

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Now is the best time to set goals. That is if you have not already set them at the beginning of January. In fact, any day is a good day to set goals if you have not started yet! Your goals should be ‘Towards’. By that I mean they should be set with the intention […]

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