Want to know how to run a Successful Coaching Business?

Blowing Your Own Trumpet?

Is it a bad thing to be boastful? I remember, as a child, a teacher telling me that I should be more modest about my achievements and shouldn’t brag. Now, this could have set me up to spend a lifetime downplaying my abilities and even set me up for a whopper of a limiting belief about myself. Thankfully, I had lots of other people in my life that thought differently. I was brought up to celebrate success and to be proud of what I achieve. I’ve done a lot of things in my career – founding, developing and selling multiple businesses – but 6 years ago I took a leap of faith and completely changed my career. First of all training with and then working in partnership with qualityculture Ltd (NLP UK Training) and setting up my own coaching business. It is the achievement that I’m most proud of because it means that my “why” sits at the centre of all that I do. And my why is YOU.

Whether you are a leader, a coach (or aspiring leader/coach), or someone who wants to make changes in their life to get more of the good stuff (better relationships, less stress, more happiness), you are the why behind what I do….and that goes for the rest of the qualityculture Ltd team too.

And we are absolutely brilliant at it!!

So here we all are, celebrating our success and blowing our own trumpets!

And here are two wonderful testimonials from a couple of our most recent graduates:

Joanna KeableLevel 5 Certificate in Effective Coaching and Mentoring

“In February 2023, I had the privilege of commencing a coaching course, provided by qualityculture Ltd, which I was incredibly pleased to be able to do.

I am employed by The Princess Alexandra Hospital NHS Trust (PAHT) in Harlow and the Local Maternity System, who had a number of allocated spaces in order to support the development of the senior leadership team, which is part of a wider workforce and culture improvement project.

As head of midwifery at PAHT, I have had coaching for some time and thought, ‘I can coach, I mean I have been coached, therefore I can surely extend the experience to others’ but I kept finding that when in situations where I knew coaching would help, I stumbled – not anymore.

It turns out that coaching is an invaluable skill like any other and this course has been pivotal in my development, in fact I would go so far as to say this has been one of the most rewarding and useful courses I have had the opportunity to take part in throughout my career. I wish I had done it sooner.

The course is led by a very experienced and knowledgeable coach and facilitator, who delivers the course to a professional standard. All materials were provided too.
There is a high level of commitment required for this course, however as it lends itself to helping me improve as a coach and a senior leader, it is not hard to find the time. The rewards are empowering and benefit all parts of my leadership style and particularly communication skills.

If you enrol for this course, attend with an open mind. At the beginning, you may think ‘I have learned this before’ but you haven’t in this way. Through practical and reflective sessions, the course is an opportunity to be coached by an experienced professional, to understand coaching theories, build on your knowledge base, develop core skills and consider how you can utilise different approaches to coach people effectively.

A truly great course – thank you.”

Francesco Carco’ – NLP Coach Practitioner and Master Practitioner

“As a Mental Wellbeing Consultant and Therapist, I thought I knew it all. How wrong I was! 😊

During the Master Practitioner I was made aware of an incredible number or tools and techniques that did not just compliment my skill set, but greatly enhanced it.

With this new learning I now feel extremely confident in my Life Coaching ability to help people transform their lives.

It was not just the learning, but the application of these techniques on me that made me experience a drastic change in my vision of the world, my life values, and how to move forward in life.

The skills I have acquired from Kali and Steve have already changed my life, and my clients’ lives.

I recommend NLP UK Training to anyone interested in either self-development, or in learning NLP, Hypnosis and Coaching skills.”

Getting such great feedback like this really helps us to understand the impact we are having.

Do you know what impact you have on other people? And could you make that impact more positive? Have a listen to the latest episode of our podcast, Understanding Your Impact, where Kali and Steve discuss and emphasise the importance and significance of positive language and positive self-talk and how it can elevate our own experiences, as well as those around us at home and at work.
