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NLP Master Practitioner

Have you completed your NLP Certified Practitioner programme? Do you now want to master NLP? Learn even more and become a better even more effective person?

The programme incorporates many new techniques, exercises and advanced language patterns which will develop your neurology making you more capable and effective than ever before.

Duration of this course... 11 Full days + 30 hours study + Test This course is delivered... Online via Microsoft Teams Includes access to... Our NEW NLP demo video library Accelerate Group Coaching Programme
Our next course is in...

June and July 2025

It's running on these dates... 9th - 13th June 2025 and 6th -11th July 2025 It will be delivered...
  • Online via video conferencing
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    We'll be announcing future dates for our Master Practitioner Course very soon. To be the first to know, use the button below to get in touch.
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What is the price of this course?

£3000 + VAT (£3600.00 total) This pricing applies to private individuals booking on to courses. Package deals with Practitioner level purchase, early bird discounts and monthly payment plans are also available!

For business customers, corporate rates apply. Contact us for more information.
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Why should you book onto this course?

You will be confident communicating with people even those you perceive as being more senior. To put it quite simply, the Master Practitioner programme will teach you to think differently from those around you, enable you to see the big picture and focus on results.

We have designed individual coaching sessions for you to work on your professional and personal goals and a whole breakthrough day where you work with another delegate using techniques learned on the programme.

The Master Practitioner of NLP also includes certification in Time Line Therapy™, Hypnosis and NLP Coaching at Master Practitioner Levels. The NLP Master Practitioner training course takes 11 days and is separated into a 5 day and a 6 day block with approximately 4 weeks in between. This means that delegates can spend time in-between on both their professional and home life and even apply the advanced NLP techniques learned within the first 5 days. The course is approved and accredited by the ABNLP, ABH and TLT™ boards.

What does this course consist of?

The NLP Master Practitioner programme takes language to a whole new level essential in coaching and business. We teach advanced linguistics and develop your understanding of the Milton and Meta Models. This will enable you, the NLP Master practitioner to use your language to effectively loosen up someone’s limiting beliefs and ineffective state enabling them to make new choices and become more effective.

NLP Certified Practitioner

Self Study

Once you book, you will receive a study pack consisting of 10 audiobooks narrated by Steve Kay and Sheila Patel, as well as a comprehensive 150+ page manual and your coaching book.

As you further your NLP journey, you’ll listen to the audiofiles and work your way through your training manual in the weeks prior to your course starting.

NLP Certified Practitioner

Pre-course Testing

The second phase of the learning consists of a pre-course test, which enables you to check your understanding prior to coming on the seven day programme. It also means that everyone is up to speed beforehand. The test is done in your own time, at your own pace.

This will be marked by one of our qualified coaches and you’ll get feedback on your answers.

NLP Certified Practitioner

Eleven day course

You’ll access the 11 days training. The course is separated into a 5 day and a 7 day block with approximately 4 weeks in between.

You’ll meet your fellow delegates and have plenty of opportunities to ask your trainer questions to further develop your knowledge.

NLP Certified Practitioner

Demonstration videos

Once you've gained certification, We want you to keep practicing, to keep getting better. Our NLP Master Practitioner course includes access to our demonstration video library.

As soon as you start your course, you'll get access to some videos explaining and demoing a variety of NLP Master Practitioner techniques that you'll learn and do on your course. These are available on demand, so you can refresh and refine your technique as you see fit.

Thinking about how NLP could help you?

We run a variety of NLP courses through the year, online via Microsoft Teams. We’re certain that after a quick chat with you, we’ll be able to point you in the right direction so that you can achieve your goals and become the best version of yourself.

Want to be an NLP Master Practitioner? Enquire today!

What will you have to do?

The NLP Master Practitioner course will take you through a more detailed study of NLP, enhancing your learning from the audio and pre-course study.

You’ll have individual coaching sessions including a whole breakthrough day where you work with another delegate to use your new techniques.

Help is on hand at all times from our expert NLP trainers to answer any questions you may have.

Our course can be completed fully from the comfort of your own home using Microsoft Teams!

NLP practitioner training on Microsoft Teams

What will you get out of it?

Certified Master Practitioner of NLP Certificate
Certified Practitioner of Time Line Therapy Certificate
Certified NLP Hypnosis Practitioner Certificate

You’ll finish the course with the ability and confidence to perform at a higher level than you imagined. You’ll have a vast array of NLP tools at your disposal for when you work with others. Not only will you have the advanced coaching skills, which exceed the International Coaching Federation’s competencies, you will have a greater understanding of the language used by others and the ability to build rapport and influence people. And you will experience all the techniques yourself so that you can make the changes necessary to progress in your own life.

And that’s it! You will be qualified as a Certified Master Practitioner of Neuro Linguistic Programming, a Master NLP Hypnosis Practitioner and a Certified Master Time Line Therapy Practitioner and we’ll present your certifications on the final day. Our programme has been pitched way higher than the minimum practitioner standards. You will leave as a confident master practitioner thinking and behaving differently and achieving new heights in your chosen field.

Want to master and level up your NLP? Enquire about our course today!
NLP UK Training

Keep practicing with our new and exclusive video demonstration library

Here at Quality Culture, we don't just want you to become a Certified NLP Master Practitioner and then go away and forget your new skills. We want you to keep practicing, to keep getting better and our BRAND NEW video demo library helps you do just that.

As soon as you start your course, you'll get access to a collection of videos explaining and demoing a variety of NLP techniques that you'll learn and do on your course. These are available on demand, so you can refresh and refine your technique as you see fit. The price? Nothing! Access to these videos is included as part of your NLP practitioner course.

Included in your Master Practitioner Training

Quantum Linguistics

Learn the art of linguistics and how to develop and use multi-dimensional language patterns for effective and powerful conversational change with clients, friends and family.

Quantum Linguistics

Learn the art of linguistics and how to develop and use multi-dimensional language patterns for effective and...

Advanced Presuppositions of Language.

This will enable you to develop language patterns and questions to assist someone to change their thinking.

Advanced Presuppositions of Language

This will enable you to develop language patterns and questions to assist someone to change their...

Utilising Model Operators Linguistically

Chain together Modal Operators to take someone from an attitude of can’t to can, (impossibility to the possibility) elegantly.

Utilising Model Operators Linguistically

Chain together Modal Operators to take someone from an attitude of can’t to can...

Myers Briggs and Complex Meta programmes

The first four Meta programmes are the same as the Myers Briggs profiles. They are useful in interviews or as a team-build so the team understands how others think and process information, this means they will appreciate strengths and areas of difference. The use of Meta Programmes is invaluable in NLP Coaching; managing others; and building and maintaining an effective team.

Values. These are the unconscious drivers that direct someone’s focus and energy. If values are not aligned in a person they will struggle to really achieve what they want in some, if not all areas of their lives. Learn how to align someone’s values and they will have the energy and motivation to achieve exactly what they want.

Myers Briggs and Complex Meta programmes

The first four Meta programmes are the same as the Myers Briggs profiles...

Values Level Thinking

Learn how people think and how their world looks to them in accordance to what is important to them. Again, in understanding Values Level Thinking you will be perfectly equipped for working in one to ones with others or within organisations to enable an effective working environment. You will be taught how to use The Values Inventory and understand where someone may be “stuck” in their thinking or where they have conflicts.

It will also give you an insight into what they can do to change their thinking and be, do or have whatever they want. This is also very relevant in the area of organisational change, the values levels and organisational paradigms are closely linked. And moving people towards values level seven means that they are confident and effective.

Values Level Thinking

Learn how people think and how their world looks to them in accordance to what is important to them...

Values Hierarchy and Changing Values

Learn how the values hierarchy works and how to change it within someone at a deep level. You will learn how to align a trainee or organisation’s values to their goals and outcomes. Sleight of Mouth Patterns. The art of re-framing any problem/issue.

Values Hierarchy and Changing Values

Learn how the values hierarchy works and how to change it within someone at a deep level...

Prime Concerns

A very powerful linguistic technique to find the root meaning of the words and language we use. All of our language is representative of emotions, problems and/or what is missing at a deeper unconscious level. This technique will enable your trainees to completely change the way they think as it is designed to remove boundaries surrounding old though patterns, strategies, values and/or beliefs.

Prime Concerns

A very powerful linguistic technique to find the root meaning of the words and...

Meta Model III

A unique linguistic- process for resolving problems within minutes.

Meta Model III

A unique linguistic- process for resolving problems within minutes.

Advanced Sub Modalities

Take your submodalities knowledge to the next level. Advanced Strategies. Build on your Practitioner knowledge of strategies and how to change behaviour effectively changing the strategy.

Advanced Sub Modalities

Take your submodalities knowledge to the next level. Advanced Strategies. Build on your...


Learn how to model excellence. This is what NLP is based on! If you run a business or are a business leader you can model other organisations who are producing excellent results. This is not the same as bench-marking!


Learn how to model excellence. This is what NLP is based on! If you run a business...

Breakthrough Session

Learn how to complete an 8 hour breakthrough session using all the techniques you have learned with another delegate, and of course receive the same – an 8 hour breakthrough to really clear yourself out and align yourself to your goals. This is preceded by a coaching session to set goals and plans earlier in the course.

Breakthrough Session

Learn how to complete an 8 hour breakthrough session using all the techniques...

Master NLP Coach

Learn how to Coach in accordance with Values Level Thinking. We will teach you to understand motivation strategies and how and where you would use Values in your Coaching. You will also understand how to Coach someone as they make transitions through the Values Levels. We will also teach you how to use the Coaching Values Inventory.

Master NLP Coach

Learn how to Coach in accordance with Values Level Thinking. We will teach you to understand...

Master Time Line Therapy

Learn advanced Time Line Therapy techniques including the extremely powerful Drop Down Through technique and regression.

Master Time Line Therapy

Learn advanced Time Line Therapy techniques including the extremely powerful Drop Down Through...

Master Hypnosis

Dr. Milton Erikson took hypnosis off the stage and into the consulting room. Using trance we can make positive suggestions to enable people to make a positive change in their lives. There are some misconceptions about trance but a light trance will feel no different from the way you feel before you wake up or before you go to sleep. These techniques are being used in all sectors as part of staff well-being programmes.

The hypnosis training course content includes Eriksonian and David Elman inductions, Estabrook’s induction and convincers, double induction, use of a pendulum and other ideomotor signals and rapid induction techniques. We develop the use of metaphor stories to use in trance and teach you how to use deepening strategies such as fractionation. The hypnosis training course is certified by the American Board of Hypnotherapy and delegates can apply to become a member of the board on completion of this course.

Master Hypnosis

Dr. Milton Erikson took hypnosis off the stage and into the consulting room. Using...

Enquire about the NLP Master Practitioner course

Level up your leadership and coaching with ILM 7

ILM 5 and ILM7 qualifications

The ILM 7 Certificate in Executive Coaching and Mentoring - The ILM 7 Certificate in Executive Coaching offers a whole new level of development and credibility to the Master Practitioner.

It is recognised by HR professionals in numerous organisations and will open new doors for you and because of its credibility, it may offer a greater opportunity for getting your organisation to sponsor the programme. The purpose of coaching at an executive level is to give specific support with strategic initiatives at the time when it is required. It challenges the mental models and the thinking process. For senior leaders, it will significantly enhance your delegation and team-building skills. The ILM 7 requires you to complete and evidence 20 hours of coaching.

You can start the process off on the course and then you can continue building a network of professionals who require coaching. This will encourage you to get out there and meet new contacts and if you are building a business, meet new potential clients. If you are employed you can widen your network in your own organisation and develop your career by offering coaching. Much of the content covered on other executive coaching programmes is included within the NLP content however the Master Practitioner training will offer a wide variety of additional communication techniques. We will teach you tools you can use to give your trainee more self-confidence and greater self-belief enabling them to set and achieve more stretching goals. There is a support pack, which includes 10 CD's on NLP and Coaching at Master Practitioner level and an insight in to business strategy and leadership. There will be text books on coaching included together with recommended wider reading.

See all of our NLP courses