Want to know how to run a Successful Coaching Business?

Early Retirement Pushes Up Inflation

Are you aged between 50 and 64*? And maybe you realised during the pandemic you were bored in your career, so you took early retirement?

Well according to Andrew Bailey, Governor of The Bank of England (Daily Telegraph on 27th March 2023) the rampant inflation we are experiencing is YOUR fault. Nothing to do with gas and oil prices or the increased shipping costs from China. Nope, it is down to you. So, may I suggest you get online, brush up your CV and start applying for jobs? According the BBC News web site there are six expert tips or finding work:

Search beyond a 40-mile radius (I don’t think so, you are used to staying in bed until 8am now!)
Use key words in your searches, like ‘sales’
Don’t wait for a job to be advertised – apply direct.
Sell your skills, not the time you have done a particular role.
Get learning.
Celebrate the small wins, don’t be disappointed when you get rejected.

If you are successful, you will probably end up in a role doing something like you were doing previously, which was ok because you were neither unhappy or happy and it paid the mortgage. You will probably be managed by someone who still has spots.

Thanks Andrew Bailey, why don’t you do your job like you are supposed to?

BUT there is an alternative! You have nothing to fear because you no longer have a mortgage, you have a few ISAS and the kids have left home. You could become a Coach! An NLP Coach! We will show you how to do it and give you the skills to help others become more fulfilled too! You will be able to give yourself a mental spring clean, and discover and fulfil the values which are important to you.

You could also join our ‘Accelerate’ programme where you will be mentored once a month and join a network of like-minded people. And you know what, you will never be bored by your work again.

*Maybe you are under 50 but are still unfulfilled, living in the ‘grey zone’ where work is just OK. Well, the same applies to you, check out our web page ‘How to run a successful coaching business.’