It’s 10am on a Tuesday morning.
Its Day 2 of our NLP Master Practitioner Programme.
There are 8 delegates online on MS Teams and….I have no internet!
I’ve been up since 6am trying to get my broadband back on line.
I’ve tried all the troubleshooting that my provider has suggested.
I’ve called them, we’ve gone through the process and they have run some diagnostics…..nada, nothing, zilch.
It turns out that the big lightning storm we had last night has taken something technical out and that BT Openreach have to fix it before I can get back online. Maybe at lunchtime, maybe not ’til the end of the day. I’ve tried tethering my phone to my laptop…..but 4G is down with my provider too. At this point I’m beyond frustrated.
I’ve messaged Steve and Lorna.
Everything is fine.
Lorna is going to send out some handouts.
Steve is online and quite happy delivering the training without me.
But I’m still in a bit of a tizz!
I keep checking to see if I have connection back – I must have disconnected and reconnected my phone 20 times so far and nothing is working.
You know, sometimes, there are things outside of our control that give us a bit of an obstacle. And that’s ok. If we understand that there are going to be those obstacles, we can anticipate (some of!) them and do something about it.
We have fail safes in place.
Steve is online – the delegates will get amazing training today.
Lorna has dealt with sending out some information.
Everything is fine.
Me? I’m going to enjoy having some time to do stuff like this – sharing my experiences with you guys.
It’s interesting how I’ve chose to experience my lack of internet that day – all of that frustration and being in a tizz!! I knew it was just my perceptual system throwing out predictions but I kinda fell out of that that morning for a while. I kept shaking the metaphorical snowglobe in my mind and no matter how I tried, I couldn’t see anything but snow. It was a bit like the static you sometimes get on the TV so you can’t see the picture properly. However, about 9:30am I stepped away from my laptop and phone, made myself a cup of coffee and went and sat in the garden.
The sun was shining and it was very quiet.
I just sat.
And guess what?
That snowglobe started to settle.
I might not have been able to be online that day but I could still do lots of other things. Like this newsletter article. Now that my mind was quiet, I felt quite creative 😊