How to Create Engaging and Motivated Employees

How to Achieve Engaged and Motivated Staff


The best organisations have engaged and motivated employees who are happy and enjoy their work. So how do we achieve this?

According to Tom Rath it is all about identifying a person’s strengths in their early years. His research shows that where leadership fails to focus on individual strengths, employee engagement is 9%, whereas when the leadership focuses on and develops strengths, engagement is 73%.

He also suggests that learning about your strengths increases confidence because you spend more time doing what you are good at. STRENGTHS = CONFIDENCE

A study of 7660 people found that those with higher confidence aged 14-22 in 1979 earned more and still, 25 years later, had a higher rate of earnings than those with lower confidence

In addition, after these 25 years, the people with lower levels of confidence reported 3 times more health problems, the high confidence group reported fewer health problems and the people who had had the opportunity to find their strengths and use them aged 15-23 had significantly high job satisfaction and income 26 years later.

My dad suggested I studied Engineering when I was fifteen but maths was a weakness. My own son enjoys the Arts and English (and Fifa ) so that is where our focus is.

Our in-house Brilliant Leadership workshop shows leaders how to identify strengths, multiple intelligences, the career values of their team members and how to coach them in developing those areas. We are also now launching an open Leadership programme which will include all this good stuff too. If you are interested in this High Impact Leadership Programme, which will give you the ILM Level 5 Award in Leadership and Management, give us a call and ask for Lorna.


Maximising Success

Success for You, Success for Your Organisation


April 5th 2019, Albert Hall Conference Centre, Nottingham

I’m so pleased to announce that the doors to the 2019 NLP and Coaching Convention are now open! This event is about bringing professional, in-house and self employed coaches together alongside other professionals from the fields of NLP and Coaching. The aim of the day is to maximise your success and the success of your organisation. In order to inspire your clients you have to become inspired yourself and this event aims to do just that through a combination of key note speakers, inspiring workshops and opportunities to be coached by an NLP Master Practitioner.

Headlining the day is Julie Starr, author of The Coaching Manual. She is widely respected within the coaching community as an authority on the subject and is passionate about helping coaches improve their expertise. With over 20 years of experience, she combines many years of coaching experience, with a constant study related to human success and fulfilment, to develop coaching practices and principles that really work. Julie will be joined by Steve Kay who uniquely combines NLP, Coaching & Leadership training along with research on the latest thinking in these three fields.

There will be hands on workshops across a variety of areas throughout the day including: Setting up your own business as a coach; Goal setting; and Using coaching within your organisation to improve results and well-being.

Lunch and refreshments throughout the day are provided and Super Early Bird Tickets are now available at just £45 per person for a limited time only and there are also a limited number of VIP tickets available which include premium front row seating, a signed copy of Steve Kay’s book, Become a Great Leader & Coach using NLP, and a 1 hour coaching session with an NLP Master Coach. So what are you waiting for? Grab your tickets here now

In the meantime, myself and Wendy along with Kali Fraser and Helen Dos Santos have kicked off all the planning and preparation for this event. If any other NLP Practitioners or Master Practitioners would like to get involved please do contact me for a chat.



by Brent Stuart, Operations Manager, Ceva Logistics

“That’s it, come on we’re going, im not watching any more of this” I said to my brother after the 5th goal went in. Losing at home 5 nil to Peterborough after 60 minutes; being an Oldham fan is getting harder every year.

We stand up and our Gary rounds up his kids. All 3 have come to watch this farce of a football game and I have genuine pity for them having wasted their afternoon.

As we’re walking down the steps of the stand to the exit I’m cursing to myself and my thoughts are racing….

‘im not coming again’……….

‘what a waste of money’………

‘what a waste of time’……….

‘ruined my day’, ’ruined my weekend’………

‘they always let me down, I don’t know why I bother’……….

rudging towards the exit with what seems to be the weight of the world on our shoulders my brothers eldest two children, a 14 year old called Amy and his eldest son Tom who’s 9, have the good sense to hang back a bit and say nothing; fearing the wrath of their father and uncles now terrible mood.

His youngest son, however, a 4 year old called Harry in his first year as an Oldham fan is charging up and down in his usual energetic manner. As we get to the gates he runs between me and my brother and stops a few yards in front of us. He raises his arms in the air and shouts at the top of his voice:

“I’ve had a FANTASTIC day!”

I look at our kid and for a moment we’re both dumbstruck.

“What’s he been on?” I ask

“He’s always like that, he just loves being out and about, as long as he’s not stuck in the house he’s always having a great time”

As we walk through the car park back to the car we keep talking. We both agree that although the result was as bad as it gets the day wasn’t a total loss.

You see, we were introduced to football by my dad and it’s always been a family thing that the men go to the football with the kids to give the wives a bit of ‘time off’ every other Saturday. We meet other friends in a local pub a couple of hours before the match and watch a game on sky sports while we have a couple of pints. We have a catch up which invariably involves a few laughs. The kids get the treat of being taken to the pub by their Dad and Uncle Brent and can have a coke and a bag of crisps before we walk up to ground for more treats; a pie and a hot chocolate.

It’s become a tradition.

What me and my brother failed to realize was that the kids don’t come with us to watch the football, they come with us because they want to spend time with us. They don’t care what the result is; and to be honest, does it really matter?

As we get the car I say to our Gary;

“You know what mate, it was great to see you guys today and I enjoyed the couple of pints before the game. The banter and chat in the pub was brilliant and I can’t criticise the pie either! If it weren’t for the football I’d have been stuck in the house this afternoon or worse still out shopping with the wife!”

He says, “when you put it like that, I guess we’ve all had a fantastic day!”

We drive home in an upbeat mood and before we know it we’re laughing and joking again. He drops me off and when I get in the house my wife is surprised by my mood; she says “I thought you’d be in a terrible mood, I was dreading you coming home”;

“No love, I’ve had a FANTASTIC day!”

When Harry goes to the football with his family he isn’t interested in what team the manager has picked or what decisions the ref makes or how bad or good the team play because his script hasn’t been written yet. That cold February afternoon in Oldham made me realise that I was one of Harry’s scriptwriters and that all the negativity I felt as I was leaving the ground that day would eventually leave an impression on him if I carried on showing those emotions in front of him.

Harry understands that going to the football is not about watching football; it’s about social interaction and feeling part of something bigger; sharing experiences, highs and lows and enjoying every moment together. It’s about family, friends and the wider community pulling together and sharing dreams. That’s why football is such a fascinating, additive game to watch and it’s why we keep going back for more year in year out.

Oh to be a four year old boy again…………..

The Doorman

The Doorman


by Steve Kay, Managing Director, qualityculture Ltd

I was at a Round Table dinner a few years ago, all blokes wearing dinner suits and an ex footballer telling stories about being an England player in the world cup final back in 1966. As I wondered back into the room there was a guy on his own waiting for someone, I presumed. “How are you?” I said. “I’m Steve from Ashby.” Well he seemed a bit offish but I persisted “Can I buy you a beer?” “No thanks” he replied. I adopted a similar stance to him (I had come across mirroring and matching and thought it worth a try) “Did you enjoy the speech?” I enquired. “Are you from Derby?” “Yes” he replied. Ah I thought, getting somewhere at last. “Are you with Derby Round Table?” “No I’m the doorman” he said.

Now let me tell you something you may not know. You have a doorman in your head. That’s right in fact we all do. He keeps out everything that’s not of interest to you and only lets in what you want to know. We call this the Reticular Activating System.

Once something becomes important like that new car you desire, suddenly they are everywhere. Your doorman lets them in. Your doorman is a fairly simple guy he acts on instructions from the manager. You! If you don’t want something in your life or rather, you don’t think about it he won’t let it past the door. However if you have a goal you are exited about he will let lots of information related to it. This means you can set bigger goals in the knowledge that the information will come through.

Benefits of Becoming an NLP Certified Practitioner

Benefits of an NLP Certified Practitioner


Here at NLP Training we are dedicated to improve people’s mind sets and preparing them for the challenges they will face in both their work and personal life. Completing the course means that you will be equipped to handle tough situations and be able to conquer your fears when it comes to chasing your dreams and aiming high.

There are a huge number of benefits to becoming an NLP Certified Practitioner especially now that we offer this as part of the Certified NLP Coach Training so you will become both a Coach and Practitioner.

Confidence and Self Belief

By becoming a Practitioner of Neuro Linguistic Programming you will learn how to change your thought process and during the 7 day intensive course will practice many different techniques. You will practice this until you are confident and will do this with a fellow trainee so that you get used to talking to new people. This will also help your self confidence and show that you are more than capable of the task in hand, therefore making you believe in yourself far more than before.

Be Fearless

With these techniques and your new knowledge you will be able to devise a plan of where you want to go both in work and your personal life. There are many difficulties that you may face when trying to reach your target but the course will program your thoughts so that you are not scared of the possibilities but may even be excited about the challenges ahead.

Achieve Your Goals

By becoming an NLP Certified Practitioner you will go back into the working world with the skill set to be able to achieve your goals in any area of life. All you need to do is set your mind to it and once in the right frame of thought you will be able to push yourself to achieve greatness.

For more information on NLP in Leeds and other areas or for a FREE 1 hour introduction audio download, please fill out our contact form or call 01332 856396.

NLP at HRD Conference

NLP at HRD Conference


On 24th and 25th April we here at NLP UK Training attended the HRD Conference and Exhibition held at Olympia in London. The two day event was based around learning and development with many other leading organisations attending to carry out talks and presentations. The whole event was split into 32 different conference sessions which were based around five areas of learning and development. These areas were learning and talent development, coaching, technology for learning, leadership development and OD.

Industry professionals such as Jerry Arnott, director of Civil Service Learning and Jane Daley, head of Learning & Development for M&S lead talks in many different areas shedding new light on techniques and ideas. With this new knowledge we are able to develop our training to provide you with the most up to date skill set in the industry.

As one of the leading companies in the industry, we know that it is highly beneficial to always be developing and improving to make sure you come away from your training with full faith in yourself that you can achieve your goals in both your professional and personal life.

By attending the conference we as a team also develop our skills when taking part in workshops and presentations so that we can pass these tips onto our clients. By doing this, you can be sure that we are examples of just how well the programme can work and that the skill set that we will teach you can help you to achieve your goals like we strive to do too.

For more information about any of our training or to find out just how NLP in Leeds and across the UK can help you develop your mind call us today on 01332 856396. Steve Kay, Managing Director

Last night I attended a maths class at Joshua’s primary school. There I was sat on a plastic red chair, in a year six class room, barely able to get my knees under the table. Only three days before I had been invited to teach some teachers about NLP and here I was ‘tables turned’ (A metaphor)

The teacher was great, he started off telling us the reason why the school were changing the maths curriculum. Now let me tell you the current secretary of state for education is regarded by some teachers as a bit of a ‘tough villain’ who wants kids to learn by rote, like he did in the early seventies at his public school.

But here was Mr. C explaining that the government had researched education in other countries to look at how they got excellent results and also exam results in the UK. He explained that research demonstrated that children doing exams at sixteen years of age who got a ‘D’ (a fail, or as we would say, not the result I wanted!) were often just as intelligent as kids who got a ‘C’. BUT they were slower in answering the questions!

This where we got back to basics. If children could use faster methods they would get more marks! So an end to ‘Super Chunking’ and back to ‘long division’, “yeh!” said the mums and dads.

Mr. C also said if a child can recite their times tables then it helps with most maths! But apparently in tables there are 78 to remember. E.G. 4 x 5 = 20. But he informed us, if you take out the ones, twos and tens, there are only 45 to learn and if you remember every nine adds up to a nine that’s only 36 to learn! Oh and wait, if you take out the fives because they are half of 10, there are eight of them, that’s 29 having taken out the 10 x 5!

We like simplicity. The best people we work with keep things simple. There are ten commandments but Jesus cut it down to two. “Love thy neighbour and love thy self!”

Let’s start by making things simple. If your job is an IT manager, then don’t call your self “Head of Information System Solutions, Europe and South East Asia.” You can’t fit it on a business card for one thing and every one else still calls you the ‘IT department!’

And finally if you keep things simple you remember your purpose, why you became a nurse or a police officer in the first place and its important that you keep reminding your team of that every day, particularly when they are facing cut backs and change!

Mr. C is a brilliant teacher because he tells the kids ‘why’ they are learning something, he gives them ‘simple methodologies’, he makes it ‘fun’ and he gives ‘praise.’ You can do those four simple things with your team can’t you?

If you still don’t get it, contact the office on 01332 856396 and book on a course!

The Pygmalion Principle by Steve Kay, Managing Director

Before we discuss the Pygmalion principle I would like to share with you another of Zig Ziglar’s stories:

Zig recalls an interview between a newspaper correspondent and Andrew Carnegie, a great industrialist, nearly 100 years ago. Apparently the journalist discovered that Carnegie had 38 millionaires working for him! The reporter asked why he had hired 38 millionaires. “They were not millionaires when I hired them.” replied Carnegie. So the journalists asked what he had done to make the men so valuable that he could pay them so much. Carnegie replied, “when you are mining for gold, you are looking for the seam of gold.”

The key here is to look for the seam of gold. The Pygmalion Principle is based upon a quote from the play, which was later made into a musical called ‘My Fair Lady.’ In which Professor Higgins has a bet with his friend Colonel Pickering that he could take an East End flower girl and pass her off as a lady. As the film develops, to paraphrase, Eliza remarks to Pickering that the Professor still sees her as a flower girl who has changed her behaviours but to Pickering she is a lady!

In other words the coach has to see the seam of gold within the coachee! Good teachers do the same. Parents know that their child will be able to do things if they encourage them. Encouragement is a great word, the dictionary defines it as “inspiring with courage; stimulate with assistance.”

We were doing some leadership training with primary school head-teachers and deputy head teachers. One group was discussing a particular local head teacher, whom they said had an amazing ability to “see the seam of gold.” “How do you think she does it?” they asked me. I thought for a moment and answered, “maybe she expects it to be there, so she sees it.”

The more I thought about it afterwards, the more confident I was that this was true. Indeed it’s the ‘Doorman’ allowing information in.

Since writing this I understand the very same head teacher from Nottingham, Sharon Gray, won ‘The Pride of Britain Award.’ Having worked with a number of her team I can see evidence of her other leadership qualities and innovative approach. It is all about believing people have that ‘seam of gold’, expecting to find it and giving them responsibility and ownership. And boy, do Sharon’s team shine and burst with enthusiasm!